

Resposible Dog Ownership

Every year, National Responsible Dog Ownership Day is celebrated on the third Saturday in September. This special day of awareness and celebration was started by the A.K.C (American Kennel Club). It is in its 18th year.

When you brought your furry kiddo home you made a commitment to provide them with a happy and safe life. Every now and then you may need a little reminder of tips to think of as a responsible pet parent.

Providing care to our furry family members is certainly given. But mistakes can be made by everyone. This day is for pet parents to remember the obligations you made to your dog.  It is not possible to know every single bit of information when it comes to your pet. But you can learn as much as you can to make sure that you are a responsible dog owner. You want to be a responsible dog parent to provide your furry companion a good and happy home and a long and healthy life.  Responsible Dog Ownership Day is just the time to help you out.

Your four-legged fur baby is considered a family member. Owning a dog means caring for its needs, providing all its basic necessities and giving them a loving environment.

How do I Show Responsibility When Owning a Pet?

Proper Breeder or Avenues for Adoption:

Before you even bring your puppy home, it is important to do research. Are you searching for a purebred puppy from a reputable breeder or adopting a dog from a local rescue group or shelter?

You need to check into the living conditions, vet records, and history of the parents (if that information is available). It is also important to check if your new pup has been spayed or neutered and what vaccinations have been given. You should request written records so that you can pass the history on to your veterinarian.

Proper Breeder or Avenues for Adoption:

As an owner, it is your responsibility to ensure that your dog receives proper attention to become a well-mannered adult.

Every dog is different. Your baby may be an angel from the beginning. They may easily pick up on verbal commands, visual cues and concepts. Other dogs may need your patience, understanding and consistent attention. You may need to explore the possibility of a professional trainer. Our staff here at Petworks can provide you with information on professional trainers in the area.

Your dog should be able to listen to your basic commands and how to obey boundaries you have set.

Proper Breeder or Avenues for Adoption:

As a pet parent it is important to be informed and follow requirements for ownership. Your dog will need to be examined to obtain a license for the city. Vaccinations need to be up to date, and you should receive a rabies tag for your dog to wear.

Living situations may require approval from your landlord. And traveling by airplane may require documents from one of our veterinarians.

Be mindful of the criteria that allow you to legally and safely own your dog without anything else interfering.

Proper Outdoor Safety:

Having an identification tag on your fur baby is a very important responsibility. If your pup becomes lost your contact information is readily available. Microchipping your dog is also wise. Call Petworks to inquire about this service.

Dogs require some type of fencing to keep them from roaming free. This is very important in highly populated areas. If your pet is outside and out of your sight it is best to have a fence. A fence will guarantee their safety from other animals and from running away. There are tie-outs you can put your dog on, but fences are much safer.

One thing to remember is that your furry companion may be smart, and practice jumps until they can clear a fence successfully or dig holes. Keep these scenarios in mind when putting in a fence for safety.

Another outdoor safety measure is using a leash. Leashes provide you control and prevent your furry companion from running off, running or jumping up on others or aggressive interaction from another dog. Some dogs somehow manage to slip out of a collar or harness. Check to make sure your leashes secure for you and your dog’s safety.

Proper Amount of Bonding:

Your dog loves you unconditionally and is loyal to you. If you bring home a new furry family member, make sure that you have the time to spend with it. If you work long hours your pup may become lonely or even depressed. Your dog needs love and attention just like you. They want nothing more than to be with you.

Socialization is also important to remember. If you are unable to be with your dog as much as you would like daycare options are available. Daycare keeps your fur baby busy while you are away which will decrease loneliness.

Your dog may react negatively to being left alone. They may develop separation anxiety or destructive behavior. Petworks has a daycare program to help ease your mind and keep your pup happy.

Proper Education:

Make sure that you educate yourself about the type of the dog you want to join your home. Each breed has a special set of skills. Knowing how to train and manage them properly is very important.

You need to make sure that you choose a dog breed that matches your lifestyle. And, also matches your energy level and ability to provide the best care.

Our dogs shower us with so much love and loyalty. We should be able to give it back to them in the same way. Responsible Dog Ownership Day reminds us to be solid in our commitment to our dogs

If you have questions about getting a new furry family member, Call Us today or Schedule an Appointment Online.

Pet Resources

Pet Boarding

Ensure your pet receives only the best care when you are not able to be with them.

Doggie Daycare

Petwork’s Staff will keep your dog active all day with socialization, exercise and lots of love.

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