


Hello! Erin here, one of Petworks groomers!

I was born and bred an Overland Park girl, I lived my childhood just five minutes up the road from Petworks actually! I have five fur babies that I absolutely adore, Two dogs and three cats. My spouse and I own a peach orchard and I run a photography business as well. I love to hike and travel, the mountains are my favorite. I’m silently obsessed with interior design and fashion not that you could tell  by looking at me. I chase the sunsets and watch the moon rise, nature makes me happy.

I Started my adventure here at the clinch back in November of 2018. I have ten plus years of experience in the animal industry, grooming being apart of six of those years. I have also been  working part time at a horse stable for the past six years.  My passion for animals has always been strong, You could say that I love animals more then I do humans!

Feel free to stop by and say hi, ask any questions you may have, I am here to help!

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