
Petworks Veterinary Services


1-in-3 pets become lost at some point. One of the best ways to help ensure that you and your dog or cat will be reunited if they get lost is to make sure your they have a microchip.

What is a Microchip?

A microchip is a small electronic chip enclosed in a bioglass cylinder. The cylinder is about the size of a grain of rice. Microchips are not GPS trackers. The chip uses Radiofrequency (RFID) to interact with a scanner and emit a unique number. This number corresponds with the information that you supply about your pet such as pet name, owner name and contact information. The procedure to place the microchip in your pet is simple and relatively painless. It is implanted with a syringe beneath your pet’s skin very similar to a vaccination. The microchip is usually implanted between your pet’s shoulder blades.

Once the microchip is implanted it is extremely important that it be registered to your pet in your name. There are many registration services available. The one used by Petworks is called SaveThisLife.com. If your pet becomes lost or displaced, the microchip becomes the best chance of reuniting you with your four legged family member. Veterinary hospitals, shelters and animal control officers across the country have microchip scanners. Using the scanner to obtain your pets microchip number will allow them to access your contact information and start the process of returning your pet.

Petworks recommends that all newly acquired pets be scanned for microchips. Implanting a microchip in your pet is an inexpensive way to give you peace of mind that your pet is permanently identified as yours. It is a safe and reliable way to increase the likelihood of a lost pet returning home.

Petworks offers Home Again microchipping which is a unique form of pet identification.

how the microchip brings your pet home

If your pet gets lost and is taken to an animal shelter or veterinarian, they will scan the microchip to read its unique dog or cat ID code. 

How the microchip works

The microchip itself has no internal energy source, so it will last the life of your pet. It is read by passing a microchip scanner over the pet’s shoulder blades. 

Microchip procedure

Microchipping is a simple procedure, involving the implant of a microchip, about the size of a grain of rice (12mm), beneath the surface of your pet’s skin between the shoulder blades. The process is similar to an injection and takes only a few seconds. No anesthetic is required.

Pet Resources

Pet Boarding

Ensure your pet receives only the best care when you are not able to be with them.

Doggie Daycare

Petwork’s Staff will keep your dog active all day with socialization, exercise and lots of love.

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